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資料庫系統(課程綱要,課程資料 )
² 93年上一般碩士生專案,93年上在職碩士生專案,93年下網路大學12期專案
² 94年上一般碩士生專案,94年上在職碩士生專案,94年下大二資料庫管理
² 95年上一般碩士生專案,95年上在職碩士生專案,95年下大二資料庫管理
² 96年上一般碩士生專案,96年上在職碩士生專案,96年下大二資料庫管理
² 97年上一般碩士生專案,
² 98年上一般碩士生專案,98年上在職碩士生專案
² 99年上一般碩士生專案
資訊擷取與推薦技術 (課程綱要
,課程投影片 ,中文編碼,期中報告投影片
作業系統 (課程綱要)
物件導向程式設計(課程綱要,J2ME程式設計,Java進階功能報告,90下JavaPDA程式專案,90下JAVA程式專案 ,91下JavaPDA程式專案,91下JAVA程式專案 ,93上JavaPDA程式專案,93上JAVA程式專案
- 黃三益,資料庫的核心理論與實務,前程文化,民101年五版。
- 黃三益, “服務流程之塑模與改善”, 第七章,服務科學—服務系統觀與價值共創論,前程文化,民104年。
- 黃三益, “網路探勘與巨量資料管理”, 第十四章,電子商務: 數位時代商機(梁定澎主編),前程文化,民103年。
- 黃三益,陳柏伶,張善霖, “根據資訊需求模式進行旅遊文章的推薦”, 第十三章,電子商務新境界(梁定澎主編),ISBN: 978-986-03-9935-6,前程文化,民102年。
- 黃三益,“工作流程”, 第十二章,電子商務:理論與實務(梁定澎主編),華泰書局,民91年。
- J. Srivastava, J. A. Vayghan, E.-P. Lim, S.-Y. Hwang,
J.-H. Wang “Analytical Customer Relationship
Management,” in Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering,
edited by Ben. Wah, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., 2008.
- E.-P. Lim, S.-Y. Hwang,
“Implementation of Next Generation Digital Libraries,” in Design and
Usability of Digital Libraries : Case Studies in
the Asia Pacific, edited by Yin-Leng Theng & Schubert Foo,
Idea Group Publishing, 2005.
- B.-Y. Chen, S.-Y. Hwang, 2015, "Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands Dispute and Taiwan’s Netizens’ Sentiments Toward Japan and China," East Asia, Springer, December, 2015.
- S.-Y. Hwang, C.-C. Hsu, C.-H. Lee, 2015, “Service Selection for Web Services with Probabilistic QoS,” IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, SCI Expanded, 8(3): 467-480 (2015), MOST 103-2410-H-110 -020.
- C.-H. Lee, S.-Y. Hwang, I.-L. Yen, T.-K. Yu, 2015, “A Service Pattern Model for Service Composition with Flexible Functionality,” Information Systems and e-Business Management, 13(2), 235-265, SSCI, NSC-101-2410-H-110 -015 -MY2.
- S.-Y. Hwang, C.-Y. Lai, S. Chang, J.-J. Chang, 2014, “The Identification of Noteworthy Hotel Reviews for Hotel Management,” Pacific Asia Journal of Association of Information Systems (PAJAIS), 6(4).
- C.-H. Lee, S.-Y. Hwang, 2014, “WS-Data Model: A Data Model for Web Services Composition and Optimization,“ 6(2), Pacific Asia Journal of Association of Information Systems (PAJAIS), NSC-101-2410-H-110 -015 -MY2.
- S.-Y. Hwang, C.-H. Lee, 2013, “Reliable Web Service Selection in Choreographed Environments,” Decision Support Systems (DSS), 54(3), pp. 1463-1476, SCI Expanded, NSC-99-2410-H-110-033-MY2.
- W.-S. Yang, S.-Y. Hwang, 2013, “iTravel: A Recommender System in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Environment,” Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), 86(1), pp. 12-20, SCI Expanded.
- 賴香菊,黃三益,梁定彭,洪新原,吳祥麟,2011,“台灣資訊管理學術單位學術期刊論文發表狀況,”資訊管理學報,第十八卷第三期。
- S.-Y.
Hwang, C.-P. Wei, L.-S. Chen,
2010, “Coauthorship Networks and
Academic Literature Recommendations,” Electronic
Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA), 9, pp. 323-334, NSC 97-2752-H-110-005, SSCI. [PDF]
- S.-Y.
Hwang, W.-S. Yang, K.-D. Ting, 2010, “Automatic Index Construction for
Multimedia Digital Libraries,” Information Processing and Management
(IPM), 46, pp. 295–307, SSCI. [PDF]
- 黃勇嘉,黃三益,行動網路專線電路之調訂路由選擇,資訊管理學報,第九期第一卷,2009。
- S.-Y.
Hwang, E.-P. Lim, C.H. Lee, C. H. Chen, 2008, “Dynamic Web Service
Selection for Reliable Web Service Composition,” IEEE Transactions on
Services Computing, 1(2), NSC 96-2752-H-110-005. [PDF]
- Y.
Wang, E.-P. Lim, S.-Y. Hwang, 2008, “Efficient Mining Maximal Valid Groups,”
Very Large Databases (VLDB Journal), 17(3), pp. 515-535, SCI Expanded. [PDF]
- S.-Y.
Hwang, W.-S. Yang, 2008. “Discovering GP-association Rules for the Targeted
Advertising of New Products,” to appear on INFORMS Journal on Computing
(INFORMS JOC), 20(1), NSC-95-2752-H-110-005, SCI. [PDF]
- S.-Y.
Hwang, H. Wang, J. Tang, J. Srivastava, 2007. “A Probabilistic Approach to Modeling and Estimating the QoS of Web-services-based Workflows,” Journal of
Information Sciences (INS), 177(23), pp 5484-5503, SCI Expanded. [PDF]
- Y. Wang, E.-P. Lim, S.-Y. Hwang, 2006. “Efficient Mining of Group Patterns from User Movement Data,” Data
and Knowledge Engineering (DKE), 57(3), pp. 240-282, SCI Expanded. [PDF]
- W.-S. Yang, S.-Y. Hwang, 2006,
“A Process-Mining Framework for the Detection of Healthcare Fraud and
Abuse,” Expert Systems with Applications, 31, pp. 56-68, SCI Expanded. [PDF]
- S.-Y. Hwang, S.-M. Chuang,
2004, “Combining Article Content and Web Usage for Literature
Recommendation in Digital Libraries,” Online Information Review (OIR),
28(4), pp. 260-272, SSCI. [PDF]
- S.-Y. Hwang, C.-P. Wei,
W.-S. Yang, 2004, “Discovery of Temporal Patterns from Process
Instances,” Computers in Industry (C&I), special issue on workflow
mining, 53(3), pp. 345-364, SCI Expanded. [PDF]
- S.-Y. Hwang, J. Tang, 2004,
“Consulting Past Exceptions to Facilitate Workflow Exception Handling,”
Decision Support Systems (DSS), 37(1), pp 49-69, SCI Expanded. [PDF]
- S.-Y. Hwang, W.-C. Hsiung, W.-S. Yang, 2003,“A Prototype WWW Literature
Recommendation System for Digital Libraries,” On-line Information Review
(OIR), , 27(3), pp. 169-182, SSCI.[PDF]
- 黃三益,賴香菊,梁定彭,孫培真,2002,“台灣資訊管理學術單位在學術期刊上的發表狀況之研究,”資訊管理學報,第九卷第一期。
- S.-Y. Hwang, W.-S. Yang,
2002, “On the Discovery of Process Models from their Instances,” Decision
Support Systems (DSS), pp. 41-57, SCI Expanded.[PDF]
- S.-Y. Hwang, 2000, “On
Optimistic Methods for Handling Mobile
Transactions,” Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE), 16,
pp. 535-554, NSC86-2213-E-110-003. SCI expanded.[PDF]
- J. K. Lee, I.-K. Tsaur, S.-Y. Hwang, 1997, "ParallelArray
Object I/O Support on Distributed Environments," Journal of Parallel
and Distributed Computing (JDPC), pp. 227-241. SCI
- S.-C. Chen, M. Yu, Y-Y Yao, S.-Y. Hwang,
B. P. Lin, 1997, “VDBMS: A Solution to Integrating Heterogeneous Data
Sources,” Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE), pp.
- E.-P. Lim, S.-Y. Hwang, J. Srivastava, D.Clements, and
M. Ganesh,
1995, "Myriad: Design and Implementation of aFederated
Database Prototype," Software Practice and Experience, pp. 533-562.
SCI Expanded
- E.-P. Lim, J. Srivastava, S.-Y. Hwang, 1995,"An Algebraic
Transformation Framework for Multidatabase
Queries, " Distributedand
Parallel Databases: An International Journal, pp. 273-307. SCI Expanded
- S.-Y. Hwang, J. Srivastava, and L. Li, 1994,"Transaction
Recovery in Federated Database Systems," Distributed and ParallelDatabases: An International Journal,
pp.151-182. SCI Expanded
- Y. S. Kuo,
S.-Y. Hwang, and H. F. Hu, 1989,"A Data
Structure for Fast Region Searches," IEEE Design and Test of Computer,pp. 20-29, SCI
- 黃三益,2003,”個人化工作流程在行動服務下的構想與應用”,國科會工程科技通訊,第67期, 四月,pp. 124-127, available here.
- E.-P.
Lim, Y. Wang, K.-L. Ong, S.-Y. Hwang, 2003, “In Search of Knowledge of Mobile Users,” invited article, ERCIM News, No. 58, July, pp. 10-11. available here.
- S.-Y. Hwang, H.-Y. Sung, 2016, “Toward an Integrated Framework for Service Design: Converting Service Blueprints to BPMN processes,” The 4th International Conference on Serviceology (ICServ2016).
- W.-L. Hsieh, S.-Y. Hwang, S.-C. Huang, S.-L. Chang, 2016, “Predicting Company Revenue Trend Using Financial News,” Proc. Of International Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS2016), June, 2016.
- S.-Y. Hwang, et al., 2016, “Rediscovering Old Kaohsiung: Introduction and Experiences,” International Conference on Service Sciences and Innovation (ICSSI2016).
- Keng-Pei Lin, Chia-Yu Lai, Po-Cheng Chen, San-Yih Hwang, 2015, “Personalized Hotel Recommendation Using Text Mining and Mobile Browsing Tracking,” Proc. Of The 2015 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2015).
- I.-L. Chen, S. Chang, S.-Y. Hwang, K.S. Hsieh, 2015, “The Research on the Detection of Noteworthy Symptom Descriptions,” Proc. Of International Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS2015), July, Singapore.
- I.-L. Yen, W. Zhu, G. Zhou, F. Bastani, S.-Y. Hwang, 2015, “A Smart Physical World Based on Service Technologies, Big Data, and Game-Based Crowd Sourcing,” Proc. of IEEE 2015 International Conference on Web Services (ICWS2013), New York, USA.
- W. Zhu, G. Zhou, I.-L. Yen, S.-Y. Hwang, 2015, “A CFL-Ontology Model for Carbon Footprint Reasoning,” 2015 IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2015), California, USA.
- S.-Y. Hwang, C.-Y. Lai, J.-J. Jiang, S. Chang, 2014, “The Identification of Noteworthy Hotel Reviews for Hotel Management,” Proc. Of International Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS2014), June, Chengdu, China.
- C.-H. Lee, S.-Y. Hwang, and I-L. Yen, 2013, “Service Composition with Functional Flexibility Using Nondeterministic Service Interface,” Proc. Of IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, Coventry, UK.
- W. Zhu, G. Zhou, I.-L. Yen, S.-Y. Hwang, 2013, “Toward Ontology and Service Paradigm for Enhanced Carbon Footprint Management and Labeling,” Proc. of IEEE 2013 International Conference on Web Services (ICWS2013), Santa Clara, CA, USA.
- S.-Y. Hwang, H.-L. Chiang, Y.-L. Hsiao, S. Chang, 2013, “On Classifying Discussion Threads Using Travel Information Goal-Oriented Model,” Proc. Of International Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, June, Jeju Island, Korea.
- P.-Y. Chen, S.-Y. Hwang, and C.-H. Lee, 2013, “A Dynamic Service Composition Architecture in Supporting Reliable Web Service Selection,” Proc. Of International Conference on Service Science and Innovation, May, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- S.-Y. Hwang, Y.-H. Hsieh, C.-H. Lee, 2012, “Data Providing Web Service Selection Using Bayesian Network,” Proc. Of IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, Hanzhou, China.
- C.-H. Lee, S.-Y. Hwang, T.-K. Yu, I-Ling Yen, 2012, “A Service Pattern Model for Flexible Service Composition,” work in progress track, Proc. Of IEEE 19th International Conference on Web Services (ICWS2012), Honolulu, Hawii.
- S.-Y. Hwang, W.-S. Yang, 2012, “On-tour Attraction Recommendation in a Mobile Environment,” Proc. Of the 8th International Workshop on Mobile Peer-to-Peer Computing (MP2P 2012), associated with IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing (PerCom2012), Lugano, Switzerland.
- W.-S. Yang, S.-Y. Hwang, 2012, “Facilitating Information Sharing and Social Interaction in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Environment,” Proc. Of the 8th IEEE International Workshop on PervasivE Learning, Life, and Leisure, associated with IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing (PerCom2012) , Lugano, Switzerland.
- S.-Y. Hwang, W.-F. Hsieh, C.-H. Lee, 2011, “Verifying Web Services in a Choreography Environment,” Proc. Of International Conference on Service Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA2011), Irvine, CA.
- Y.-H. Tsai, S.-Y. Hwang, Y.
Tang, 2011, “A
Hybrid Approach to Automatic Web Services Discovery,” Proc. Of
International Joint Conference on Service Sciences (IJCSS), Taipei,
- W. She, I., Yen, B. Thuraisingham, S.-Y. Hwang, 2011, “Rule-based
Run-Time Information Flow Control in Service Cloud,” Proc. of IEEE 2011 International
Conference on Web Services (ICWS2011).
- S.-Y. Hwang, C.-P. Wei,
Y.-C. Hung, Y. tang, 2010, “Combining Coauthorship
Network and Content for Literature Recommendation,” Proc. Of Pacific-Asia
Conference on Information Systems (PACIS2010), Taipei, Taiwan.
- S.-Y. Hwang, W.-P. Liao,
C.-H. Lee, 2010, “Web
Services Selection in Support of Reliable Web Service Choreography,” Proc.
of IEEE 2010 International Conference on Web Services (ICWS2010), Miami, Florida,
- S.-Y. Hwang, L.-S. Chen,
2009, “Using Trust for Collaborative Filtering in eCommerce,”
Proc. of International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC2009),
Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lee, C. H., S.-Y. Hwang,
2009, "A Model for Web Services Data in Support of Web Service
Composition and Optimization," Proc. of International Workshop on
Web Services Performance (WSP 2009), associated with ICWS2009, Los
Angles, USA.
- S.-Y. Hwang, C. Ying, C.-H.
Lee, 2009, “Selecting Web Services and Participants for Enforcing
Workflow Access Control,” Proc. of Hawaii International Conference on
System Sciences (HICSS-42), Big Island, Hawaii.
- S.-Y. Hwang, P.-Y. Liu,
C.-H. Lee, 2008, “Using Resampling for Optimizing Continuous Queries in
Wireless Sensor Networks,” Proc. of 8th International Conf. on
Intelligent System Design and Applications (ISDA2008), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- S.-Y. Hwang, C. M. Lee, Chien-Hsiang Lee, 2008, “Discovering Moving Clusters from Spatial-Temporal Databases,” Proc.
of 8th International Conf. on Intelligent System Design and
Applications (ISDA2008), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- S.-Y. Hwang, J. Tang, H.-Y.
Lin, 2008, “A Probability-Based Framework for Dynamic Resource Scheduling
in Grid Environment,” Proc. of 3rd Int. Conf. on Advances in
Grid and Pervasive Computing (GPC2008), Kumin,
- S.-Y. Hwang, E.-P. Lim,
C.-H. Lee, C.-H. Chen, 2007, “
On Composing a
Reliable Composite Web Service: A Study of Dynamic Web Service
Selection,” Proc. of 2007 International Conference on Web Services
(ICWS2007), Salk Lake City,
- H. Liu, S.-Y. Hwang, J. Srivastava, 2006, “PSRA: A Data Model for Data
Management in Sensor Networks,” Proc. of the IEEE International
Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing
(SUTC2006), Taichung,
- S. Maine, J. Srivastava, S.-Y. Hwang, 2005, “Estimating Missed
Actual Positives Using Independent Classifiers,” Proc. Of ACM
International Conference on SIG Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
(SIGKDD2005), Chicago,
- S.-Y. Hwang, Y.-H. Liu,
J.-K. Chiu and E.-P. Lim, 2005, “Mining Mobile Group Patterns: A
Trajectory-based Approach,” Proc. of the 9’th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and
Data Mining (PAKDD05), Hanoi,
Vietnam [.ppt].
- W.-S. Yang, S.-Y. Hwang and
J. Srivastava, 2005, “Selecting Structural Patterns
for Classifications,” Proc. of the 38th Hawaii
International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38), Big
, Hawaii.
- S. Maine , J. Srivastava, and S.-Y. Hwang, 2004, “Estimation of
False Negatives to Predict the Accuracy of a Classifier,” Proc. of IEEE
International Conference on Data Mining, (ICDM2004), Brighton
, UK.
- S.-Y. Hwang
,H. Wang,, J. Srivastava, and
R. Paul, 2004, “A Probabilistic QoS Model and
Computation Framework for Web Services-Based Workflows,” Proc. of the 23rd
International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, (ER2004), Shanghai
, China
- Y. Wang, E.-P. Lim, and
S.-Y. Hwang, 2004, “Efficient Group Pattern Mining Using Data
Summarization,” Proc. of the 9th
International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Application
(DASFAA2004), Seoul , Korea.
- Y. Wong, E.-P. Lim, S.-Y.
Hwang, 2003, “On Mining Group Patters of Mobile
Users,” Proc. of the 14'th Int'l. Conf. on Database and Expert Systems
Applications (DEXA’03).[PDF]
- S.-Y. Hwang, Y.-F. Chen,
2003, “Personal Workflows: Models and Management,” 3’rd Int’l. Conf. on Mobile Data
Management (MDM03), Melboune, Australia,
Jan. 2003.[PDF, complete manuscript]
- S.-Y. Hwang, E.-P. Lim,
2002, “A Data Mining Approach to Library New Book Recommendations,” Proc.
of the Int’l. Conference on Asia Digital
Libraries (ICADL2002), Singapore.[PDF]
- J. Srivastava,
J.-H. Wang, E.-P. Lim, S.-Y. Hwang, 2002, “A Case for Analytical Customer
Relationship Management,” Proc. of the 6’th Pacific-Asia Conference on
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD02), Taipei, Taiwan.[PDF]
- S.-Y. Hwang, C.-Y. Hong and
W.-S. Yang, 2001, “Mining Generalized Profile Association Rules that
Support New Product Recommendations,” Proc. of 11’th International Workshop on
Information Technologies and Systems (WITS01), New Orlean,
- S.-Y. Hwang, J.-K. Chiu and
W.-S. Yang, 2001, “Personal Workflow Management in Support of Pervasive
Computing,” Proc. of the 2’nd
Int’l. Conf. On Mobile Data Management,
Hong Kong. [PDF]
- C.-P. Wei, S.-Y. Hwang and
W.-S. Yang, 2000, “Mining Frequent Temporal Patterns in Process
Databases,” Proc. of 10’th
International Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS00),
- S.-Y. Hwang and J.-K. Chiu,
2000, “Disseminating Query Results in Wireless Systems,” Proc. of
International Workshop on Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing (WNMC
2000), in conjunction with International Conf. on Distributed Computing
Systems (ICDCS2000), Taipei, Taiwan.
- W.-S. Yang and S.-Y. Hwang,
1999, “Mining Instance Data to Discover Process Model,” Proc. of 9’th International Workshop on
Information Technologies and Systems (WITS99), Charlotte, North Carolina.
- S.-Y. Hwang, S.-F. Ho, J.
Tang, 1999, “Mining Exception Instances to Facilitate Workflow Exception
Handling,“ Proc. of the Sixth International Conference on Database
Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA’99), Hsinchu,
Taiwan, pp. 45-52. [PostScript]
- S.Y. Hwang, J.-K. Chiu,
1998, “Toward Optimal Replication for Hierarchical Location Management in
Wireless Systems,”Proc. of the International
Workshop on Mobile Data Access, in conjunction with the 17th Int’l. Conf.
on Conceptual Modeling (ER’98), Singapore.[PostScript]
- S.-Y. Hwang, C.-T. Yang,
1998, “Component and Data Distribution in a Distributed Workflow
Management System,” Proc.of the 1998 Asia Pacific Int’L. Conf.
on Software Engineering (APSEC’98),Taipei,
pp. 244-253. [PostScript]
- S.-Y. Hwang, C.-P. Yu, F.-M. Chang, C.-P.Wei, 1998, “Supporting Business Process
Reengineering: A Process AnalysisPerspective,”
Proc. Of the 2’nd
Asia Pacific Int’l. Conf. On Decision Science Institute (APDSI’98), Taipei, Taiwan. [PostScript]
- J. Tang and S.-Y. Hwang,
1998, “A Scheme to Specify and Implement Ad-Hoc Recovery in Workflow
Systems,” Proc. ofthe 6’th Int.l.
Conf. On Extending Database Technology (EDBT'98), Valencia,Spain.
- S.-Y. Hwang, 1997,
“Handling Transactions in a Mobile Environment with Cache,” Proc.
of the 3rd Workshop inMobile Computing, Hsin-Chu,
March, pp.97-104.
- S.-Y. Hwang, K. S. Lee, Y.
H. Chin, 1996,"Data Replication in a Loosely Coupled Distributed
Database System: A PerformanceStudy,"
Proc. of the 7'th Int'l. Conf. on Database and Expert Systems
Applications(DEXA'96), pp. 708-717. [PostScript]
- J. Tang, and S.-Y. Hwang,
1996, "Coping with Mismatched Semantics of Dependencies in Workflow
Systems," Proc. of the7'th Int'l. Conf. on Database and Expert
Systems Applications (DEXA'96), pp. 467-478. [PostScript]
- J. Tang, and S.-Y. Hwang,
1996, "Handling Uncertainties in Workflow Applications," to
appear in Proc. of the 5thInt'l. Confl on
Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'96), Maryland, pp. 277-284. [PostScript]
- S. C. Su Chen, M. Yu, Y.-Y.
Yau, and S.-Y.Hwang,
1995, "The Design and Implementation of a Full-Fledged MultipleDBMS," Proc. of the 15'th Int'l. Conf.
on Data and Knowledge Engineering (ICDE), pp. 67-68.
- J. K. Lee, I.-K. Tsur, and S.-Y. Hwang, 1995,"Language and
Environment Support for Parallel Array Object I/O on Distributed
Environments," Proc. of the 7'th SIAM Conf. on Parallel Processing forScientific Computing.
- J. Huang, S.-Y. Hwang, and
J. Srivastava,1994, "Concurrency Control in Federated Database
Systems: A Performance Study," Proc. of ISCA 7'th Int'l. Conf. on
Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems.
- S.-Y. Hwang, E.-P. Lim,
H.-R. Yang, K. Mediratta,M. Ganesh, D. Clements,
J. Stenoien, and J. Srivastava, 1994,
"Myriad:Design and Implementation of a
Federated Database Prototype," Proc. of ACM SIGMOD Int'l. Conf. on
Management of Data, pp. 518-518.
- S.-Y. Hwang, E.-P. Lim, J. Srivastava, 1993,"Asynchronous Transaction
Commitment in Federated Database Systems," Proc.of
the Int'l. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Systems.
- S.-Y. Hwang, J. Huang, and
J. Srivastava,1993, "Concurrency Control in Federated Database
Systems: A Dynamic Approach,"Proc. of the
2'nd Int'l. Conf. on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'93).
- J. Huang, S.-Y. Hwang, and
P. Patiath, 1993,"On Scheduling Real-Time
Tasks with Nondeterministic Synchronization Behavior,"Proc.
of the 10'th Int'l. Workshop on Real-Time Operating Systems and Software.
- S. Prahakar,
J. Huang, J. Richardson, J. Srivastava,E.-P.
Lim, S.-Y. Hwang, S. Navathe, A. Savasare, and M. Foresti,
1993,"Federated Autonomous Databases: Project Overview," Proc.
of the 3'rd IEEE Int'l. Workshop on Research Issues on Data
Engineering/Interoperability in Multidatabase
System (RIDE/IMS).
- 2015-2017 The Design and Research of an Interactive Recommender System with User Context Evolution
- 2016-2017 日月光輿情分析與監督技術之研發Phase II
(Supported by ASE)
- 2016-2017 台灣特色發掘架構範例:承「老高雄新探索」—文史觀光路線發展產學合作計畫(Supported by iSee Taiwan Foundation)