
與昔日學生聚餐, 200610

更新日期: 2009








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l   資料庫系統(課程綱要課程資料

²  93年上一般碩士生專案93年上在職碩士生專案93年下網路大學12期專案

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²  95年上一般碩士生專案95年上在職碩士生專案95年下大二資料庫管理

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²  98年上般碩士生專案98在職碩士生專案

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l   資料探和知識發現(課程綱要2007期末專案2008期中和期末專案

l   資訊擷取與推薦技術 (課程綱要 課程投影片 中文編碼期中報告投影片

l   作業系統 (課程綱要

l   演算法(課程綱要課程講義

l   資料結構(課程綱要作業

l   物件導向程式設計(課程綱要J2ME程式設計Java進階功能報告90下JavaPDA程式專案90下JAVA程式專案 91下JavaPDA程式專案91下JAVA程式專案 93上JavaPDA程式專案93上JAVA程式專案



·         專書

    • 黃三益,資料庫的核心理論與實務,前程文化,民101年五版。

·         專書章節

    1. 黃三益, “服務流程之塑模與改善”, 第七章,服務科學—服務系統觀與價值共創論,前程文化,民104年。
    2. 黃三益, “網路探勘與巨量資料管理”, 第十四章,電子商務: 數位時代商機(梁定澎主編),前程文化,民103年。
    3. 黃三益,陳柏伶,張善霖, “根據資訊需求模式進行旅遊文章的推薦”, 第十三章,電子商務新境界(梁定澎主編),ISBN: 978-986-03-9935-6,前程文化,民102年。
    4. 黃三益,“工作流程”, 第十二章,電子商務:理論與實務(梁定澎主編),華泰書局,民91年。
    5. J. Srivastava, J. A. Vayghan, E.-P. Lim, S.-Y. Hwang, J.-H. Wang Analytical Customer Relationship Management, in Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering, edited by Ben. Wah, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2008.
    6. E.-P. Lim, S.-Y. Hwang, “Implementation of Next Generation Digital Libraries,” in Design and Usability of Digital Libraries : Case Studies in the Asia Pacific, edited by Yin-Leng Theng & Schubert Foo, Idea Group Publishing, 2005.


·         期刊論文

    1. B.-Y. Chen, S.-Y. Hwang, 2015, "Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands Dispute and Taiwan’s Netizens’ Sentiments Toward Japan and China," East Asia, Springer, December, 2015.
    2. S.-Y. Hwang, C.-C. Hsu, C.-H. Lee, 2015, “Service Selection for Web Services with Probabilistic QoS,” IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, SCI Expanded, 8(3): 467-480 (2015), MOST 103-2410-H-110 -020.
    3. C.-H. Lee, S.-Y. Hwang, I.-L. Yen, T.-K. Yu, 2015, “A Service Pattern Model for Service Composition with Flexible Functionality,” Information Systems and e-Business Management, 13(2), 235-265, SSCI, NSC-101-2410-H-110 -015 -MY2.
    4. S.-Y. Hwang, C.-Y. Lai, S. Chang, J.-J. Chang, 2014, “The Identification of Noteworthy Hotel Reviews for Hotel Management,” Pacific Asia Journal of Association of Information Systems (PAJAIS), 6(4).
    5. C.-H. Lee, S.-Y. Hwang, 2014, “WS-Data Model: A Data Model for Web Services Composition and Optimization,“ 6(2), Pacific Asia Journal of Association of Information Systems (PAJAIS), NSC-101-2410-H-110 -015 -MY2.
    6. S.-Y. Hwang, C.-H. Lee, 2013, “Reliable Web Service Selection in Choreographed Environments,” Decision Support Systems (DSS), 54(3), pp. 1463-1476, SCI Expanded, NSC-99-2410-H-110-033-MY2.
    7. W.-S. Yang, S.-Y. Hwang, 2013, “iTravel: A Recommender System in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Environment,” Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), 86(1), pp. 12-20, SCI Expanded.
    8. 賴香菊,黃三益,梁定彭,洪新原,吳祥麟,2011,“台灣資訊管理學術單位學術期刊論文發表狀況,”資訊管理學報,第十八卷第三期。
    9. S.-Y. Hwang, C.-P. Wei, L.-S. Chen, 2010,Coauthorship Networks and Academic Literature Recommendations,” Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA), 9, pp. 323-334, NSC 97-2752-H-110-005, SSCI. [PDF]
    10. S.-Y. Hwang, W.-S. Yang, K.-D. Ting, 2010, “Automatic Index Construction for Multimedia Digital Libraries,” Information Processing and Management (IPM), 46, pp. 295–307, SSCI. [PDF]
    11. 黃勇嘉,黃三益,行動網路專線電路之調訂路由選擇,資訊管理學報第九期第一卷2009
    12. S.-Y. Hwang, E.-P. Lim, C.H. Lee, C. H. Chen, 2008, “Dynamic Web Service Selection for Reliable Web Service Composition,” IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 1(2), NSC 96-2752-H-110-005. [PDF]
    13. Y. Wang, E.-P. Lim, S.-Y. Hwang, 2008, “Efficient Mining Maximal Valid Groups,” Very Large Databases (VLDB Journal), 17(3), pp. 515-535, SCI Expanded. [PDF]
    14. S.-Y. Hwang, W.-S. Yang, 2008. “Discovering GP-association Rules for the Targeted Advertising of New Products,” to appear on INFORMS Journal on Computing (INFORMS JOC), 20(1), NSC-95-2752-H-110-005, SCI. [PDF]
    15. S.-Y. Hwang, H. Wang, J. Tang, J. Srivastava, 2007. A Probabilistic Approach to Modeling and Estimating the QoS of Web-services-based Workflows,” Journal of Information Sciences (INS), 177(23), pp 5484-5503, SCI Expanded. [PDF]
    16. Y. Wang, E.-P. Lim, S.-Y. Hwang, 2006. “Efficient Mining of Group Patterns from User Movement Data,” Data and Knowledge Engineering (DKE), 57(3), pp. 240-282, SCI Expanded. [PDF]
    17. W.-S. Yang, S.-Y. Hwang, 2006, “A Process-Mining Framework for the Detection of Healthcare Fraud and Abuse,” Expert Systems with Applications, 31, pp. 56-68, SCI Expanded. [PDF]
    18. S.-Y. Hwang, S.-M. Chuang, 2004, “Combining Article Content and Web Usage for Literature Recommendation in Digital Libraries,” Online Information Review (OIR), 28(4), pp. 260-272, SSCI. [PDF]
    19. S.-Y. Hwang, C.-P. Wei, W.-S. Yang, 2004, “Discovery of Temporal Patterns from Process Instances,” Computers in Industry (C&I), special issue on workflow mining, 53(3), pp. 345-364, SCI Expanded. [PDF]
    20. S.-Y. Hwang, J. Tang, 2004, “Consulting Past Exceptions to Facilitate Workflow Exception Handling,” Decision Support Systems (DSS), 37(1), pp 49-69, SCI Expanded. [PDF]
    21. S.-Y. Hwang, W.-C. Hsiung, W.-S. Yang, 2003,“A Prototype WWW Literature Recommendation System for Digital Libraries,” On-line Information Review (OIR), , 27(3), pp. 169-182, SSCI.[PDF]
    22. 黃三益,賴香菊,梁定彭,孫培真,2002,“台灣資訊管理學術單位在學術期刊上的發表狀況之研究,”資訊管理學報,第九卷第一期。
    23. S.-Y. Hwang, W.-S. Yang, 2002, “On the Discovery of Process Models from their Instances,” Decision Support Systems (DSS), pp. 41-57, SCI Expanded.[PDF]
    24. S.-Y. Hwang, 2000, “On Optimistic Methods for Handling Mobile Transactions,” Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE), 16, pp. 535-554, NSC86-2213-E-110-003. SCI expanded.[PDF]
    25. J. K. Lee, I.-K. Tsaur, S.-Y. Hwang, 1997, "ParallelArray Object I/O Support on Distributed Environments," Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JDPC), pp. 227-241. SCI
    26. S.-C. Chen, M. Yu, Y-Y Yao, S.-Y. Hwang, B. P. Lin, 1997, “VDBMS: A Solution to Integrating Heterogeneous Data Sources,” Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE), pp. 585-603.
    27. E.-P. Lim, S.-Y. Hwang, J. Srivastava, D.Clements, and M. Ganesh, 1995, "Myriad: Design and Implementation of aFederated Database Prototype," Software Practice and Experience, pp. 533-562. SCI Expanded
    28. E.-P. Lim, J. Srivastava, S.-Y. Hwang, 1995,"An Algebraic Transformation Framework for Multidatabase Queries, " Distributedand Parallel Databases: An International Journal, pp. 273-307. SCI Expanded
    29. S.-Y. Hwang, J. Srivastava, and L. Li, 1994,"Transaction Recovery in Federated Database Systems," Distributed and ParallelDatabases: An International Journal, pp.151-182. SCI Expanded
    30. Y. S. Kuo, S.-Y. Hwang, and H. F. Hu, 1989,"A Data Structure for Fast Region Searches," IEEE Design and Test of Computer,pp. 20-29, SCI


·         雜誌論文

    1. 黃三益,2003個人化工作流程在行動服務下的構想與應用,國科會工程科技通訊,第67, 四月,pp. 124-127, available here.
    2. E.-P. Lim, Y. Wang, K.-L. Ong, S.-Y. Hwang, 2003, In Search of Knowledge of Mobile Users, invited article, ERCIM News, No. 58, July, pp. 10-11. available here.



    1. S.-Y. Hwang, H.-Y. Sung, 2016, “Toward an Integrated Framework for Service Design: Converting Service Blueprints to BPMN processes,” The 4th International Conference on Serviceology (ICServ2016).
    2. W.-L. Hsieh, S.-Y. Hwang, S.-C. Huang, S.-L. Chang, 2016, “Predicting Company Revenue Trend Using Financial News,” Proc. Of International Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS2016), June, 2016.
    3. S.-Y. Hwang, et al., 2016, “Rediscovering Old Kaohsiung: Introduction and Experiences,” International Conference on Service Sciences and Innovation (ICSSI2016).
    4. Keng-Pei Lin, Chia-Yu Lai, Po-Cheng Chen, San-Yih Hwang, 2015, “Personalized Hotel Recommendation Using Text Mining and Mobile Browsing Tracking,” Proc. Of The 2015 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2015). 
    5. I.-L. Chen, S. Chang, S.-Y. Hwang, K.S. Hsieh, 2015, “The Research on the Detection of Noteworthy Symptom Descriptions,” Proc. Of International Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS2015), July, Singapore.
    6. I.-L. Yen, W. Zhu, G. Zhou, F. Bastani, S.-Y. Hwang, 2015, “A Smart Physical World Based on Service Technologies, Big Data, and Game-Based Crowd Sourcing,” Proc. of IEEE 2015 International Conference on Web Services (ICWS2013), New York, USA.
    7. W. Zhu, G. Zhou, I.-L. Yen, S.-Y. Hwang, 2015, “A CFL-Ontology Model for Carbon Footprint Reasoning,” 2015 IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2015), California, USA.
    8. S.-Y. Hwang, C.-Y. Lai, J.-J. Jiang, S. Chang, 2014, “The Identification of Noteworthy Hotel Reviews for Hotel Management,” Proc. Of International Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS2014), June, Chengdu, China.
    9. C.-H. Lee, S.-Y. Hwang, and I-L. Yen, 2013, “Service Composition with Functional Flexibility Using Nondeterministic Service Interface,” Proc. Of IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, Coventry, UK.
    10. W. Zhu, G. Zhou, I.-L. Yen, S.-Y. Hwang, 2013, “Toward Ontology and Service Paradigm for Enhanced Carbon Footprint Management and Labeling,” Proc. of IEEE 2013 International Conference on Web Services (ICWS2013), Santa Clara, CA, USA.
    11. S.-Y. Hwang, H.-L. Chiang, Y.-L. Hsiao, S. Chang, 2013, “On Classifying Discussion Threads Using Travel Information Goal-Oriented Model,” Proc. Of International Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, June, Jeju Island, Korea.
    12. P.-Y. Chen, S.-Y. Hwang, and C.-H. Lee, 2013, “A Dynamic Service Composition Architecture in Supporting Reliable Web Service Selection,” Proc. Of International Conference on Service Science and Innovation, May, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
    13. S.-Y. Hwang, Y.-H. Hsieh, C.-H. Lee, 2012, “Data Providing Web Service Selection Using Bayesian Network,” Proc. Of IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, Hanzhou, China.
    14. C.-H. Lee, S.-Y. Hwang, T.-K. Yu, I-Ling Yen, 2012, “A Service Pattern Model for Flexible Service Composition,” work in progress track, Proc. Of IEEE 19th International Conference on Web Services (ICWS2012), Honolulu, Hawii.
    15. S.-Y. Hwang, W.-S. Yang, 2012, “On-tour Attraction Recommendation in a Mobile Environment,” Proc. Of the 8th International Workshop on Mobile Peer-to-Peer Computing (MP2P 2012), associated with IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing (PerCom2012), Lugano, Switzerland.
    16. W.-S. Yang, S.-Y. Hwang, 2012, “Facilitating Information Sharing and Social Interaction in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Environment,”  Proc. Of the 8th IEEE International Workshop on PervasivE Learning, Life, and Leisure, associated with IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing (PerCom2012) , Lugano, Switzerland.
    17. S.-Y. Hwang, W.-F. Hsieh, C.-H. Lee, 2011, “Verifying Web Services in a Choreography Environment,” Proc. Of International Conference on Service Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA2011), Irvine, CA.
    18. Y.-H. Tsai, S.-Y. Hwang, Y. Tang, 2011, “A Hybrid Approach to Automatic Web Services Discovery,” Proc. Of International Joint Conference on Service Sciences (IJCSS), Taipei, Taiwan.
    19. W. She, I., Yen, B. Thuraisingham, S.-Y. Hwang, 2011, “Rule-based Run-Time Information Flow Control in Service Cloud,” Proc. of IEEE 2011 International Conference on Web Services (ICWS2011).
    20. S.-Y. Hwang, C.-P. Wei, Y.-C. Hung, Y. tang, 2010, “Combining Coauthorship Network and Content for Literature Recommendation,” Proc. Of Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS2010), Taipei, Taiwan.
    21. S.-Y. Hwang, W.-P. Liao, C.-H. Lee, 2010, “Web Services Selection in Support of Reliable Web Service Choreography,” Proc. of IEEE 2010 International Conference on Web Services (ICWS2010), Miami, Florida, USA.
    22. S.-Y. Hwang, L.-S. Chen, 2009, “Using Trust for Collaborative Filtering in eCommerce,” Proc. of International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC2009), Taipei, Taiwan.
    23. Lee, C. H., S.-Y. Hwang, 2009, "A Model for Web Services Data in Support of Web Service Composition and Optimization," Proc. of International Workshop on Web Services Performance (WSP 2009), associated with ICWS2009, Los Angles, USA.
    24. S.-Y. Hwang, C. Ying, C.-H. Lee, 2009, “Selecting Web Services and Participants for Enforcing Workflow Access Control,” Proc. of Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-42), Big Island, Hawaii.
    25. S.-Y. Hwang, P.-Y. Liu, C.-H. Lee, 2008, “Using Resampling for Optimizing Continuous Queries in Wireless Sensor Networks,” Proc. of 8th International Conf. on Intelligent System Design and Applications (ISDA2008), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
    26. S.-Y. Hwang, C. M. Lee, Chien-Hsiang Lee, 2008, “Discovering Moving Clusters from Spatial-Temporal Databases,” Proc. of 8th International Conf. on Intelligent System Design and Applications (ISDA2008), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
    27. S.-Y. Hwang, J. Tang, H.-Y. Lin, 2008, “A Probability-Based Framework for Dynamic Resource Scheduling in Grid Environment,” Proc. of 3rd Int. Conf. on Advances in Grid and Pervasive Computing (GPC2008), Kumin, China.
    28. S.-Y. Hwang, E.-P. Lim, C.-H. Lee, C.-H. Chen, 2007, On Composing a Reliable Composite Web Service: A Study of Dynamic Web Service Selection,” Proc. of 2007 International Conference on Web Services (ICWS2007), Salk Lake City, USA.
    29. H. Liu, S.-Y. Hwang, J. Srivastava, 2006, “PSRA: A Data Model for Data Management in Sensor Networks,” Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing (SUTC2006), Taichung, Taiwan.
    30. S. Maine, J. Srivastava, S.-Y. Hwang, 2005, “Estimating Missed Actual Positives Using Independent Classifiers,” Proc. Of ACM International Conference on SIG Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD2005), Chicago, USA.
    31. S.-Y. Hwang, Y.-H. Liu, J.-K. Chiu and E.-P. Lim, 2005, “Mining Mobile Group Patterns: A Trajectory-based Approach,” Proc. of the 9’th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD05), Hanoi, Vietnam [.ppt].
    32. W.-S. Yang, S.-Y. Hwang and J. Srivastava, 2005, “Selecting Structural Patterns for Classifications,” Proc. of the 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38), Big Island , Hawaii.  
    33. S. Maine , J. Srivastava, and S.-Y. Hwang, 2004, “Estimation of False Negatives to Predict the Accuracy of a Classifier,” Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, (ICDM2004), Brighton , UK.
    34. S.-Y. Hwang ,H. Wang,, J. Srivastava, and R. Paul, 2004, “A Probabilistic QoS Model and Computation Framework for Web Services-Based Workflows,”  Proc. of the 23rd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, (ER2004), Shanghai , China [.ppt].
    35. Y. Wang, E.-P. Lim, and S.-Y. Hwang, 2004, “Efficient Group Pattern Mining Using Data Summarization,” Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Application (DASFAA2004), Seoul , Korea.  
    36. Y. Wong, E.-P. Lim, S.-Y. Hwang, 2003, “On Mining Group Patters of Mobile Users,” Proc. of the 14'th Int'l. Conf. on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA’03).[PDF]
    37. S.-Y. Hwang, Y.-F. Chen, 2003, “Personal Workflows: Models and Management,” 3’rd Int’l. Conf. on Mobile Data Management (MDM03), Melboune, Australia, Jan. 2003.[PDF, complete manuscript]
    38. S.-Y. Hwang, E.-P. Lim, 2002, “A Data Mining Approach to Library New Book Recommendations,” Proc. of the Int’l. Conference on Asia Digital Libraries (ICADL2002), Singapore.[PDF]
    39. J. Srivastava, J.-H. Wang, E.-P. Lim, S.-Y. Hwang, 2002, “A Case for Analytical Customer Relationship Management,” Proc. of the 6’th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD02), Taipei, Taiwan.[PDF]
    40. S.-Y. Hwang, C.-Y. Hong and W.-S. Yang, 2001, “Mining Generalized Profile Association Rules that Support New Product Recommendations,” Proc. of 11’th International Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS01), New Orlean, USA.[PDF]
    41. S.-Y. Hwang, J.-K. Chiu and W.-S. Yang, 2001, “Personal Workflow Management in Support of Pervasive Computing,” Proc. of the 2’nd Int’l. Conf. On Mobile Data Management, Hong Kong. [PDF]
    42. C.-P. Wei, S.-Y. Hwang and W.-S. Yang, 2000, “Mining Frequent Temporal Patterns in Process Databases,” Proc. of 10’th International Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS00), Australia.[PDF]
    43. S.-Y. Hwang and J.-K. Chiu, 2000, “Disseminating Query Results in Wireless Systems,” Proc. of International Workshop on Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing (WNMC 2000), in conjunction with International Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS2000), Taipei, Taiwan.
    44. W.-S. Yang and S.-Y. Hwang, 1999, “Mining Instance Data to Discover Process Model,” Proc. of 9’th International Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS99), Charlotte, North Carolina.
    45. S.-Y. Hwang, S.-F. Ho, J. Tang, 1999, “Mining Exception Instances to Facilitate Workflow Exception Handling,“ Proc. of the Sixth International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA’99), Hsinchu, Taiwan, pp. 45-52. [PostScript]
    46. S.Y. Hwang, J.-K. Chiu, 1998, “Toward Optimal Replication for Hierarchical Location Management in Wireless Systems,”Proc. of the International Workshop on Mobile Data Access, in conjunction with the 17th Int’l. Conf. on Conceptual Modeling (ER’98), Singapore.[PostScript]
    47. S.-Y. Hwang, C.-T. Yang, 1998, “Component and Data Distribution in a Distributed Workflow Management System,” Proc.of the 1998 Asia Pacific Int’L. Conf. on Software Engineering (APSEC’98),Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 244-253. [PostScript]
    48. S.-Y. Hwang, C.-P. Yu, F.-M. Chang, C.-P.Wei, 1998, “Supporting Business Process Reengineering: A Process AnalysisPerspective,” Proc. Of the 2’nd Asia Pacific Int’l. Conf. On Decision Science Institute (APDSI’98), Taipei, Taiwan. [PostScript]
    49. J. Tang and S.-Y. Hwang, 1998, “A Scheme to Specify and Implement Ad-Hoc Recovery in Workflow Systems,” Proc. ofthe 6’th Int.l. Conf. On Extending Database Technology (EDBT'98), Valencia,Spain. [PostScript]
    50. S.-Y. Hwang, 1997, “Handling Transactions in a Mobile Environment with Cache,”  Proc. of the 3rd Workshop inMobile Computing, Hsin-ChuTaiwan, March, pp.97-104.
    51. S.-Y. Hwang, K. S. Lee, Y. H. Chin, 1996,"Data Replication in a Loosely Coupled Distributed Database System: A PerformanceStudy," Proc. of the 7'th Int'l. Conf. on Database and Expert Systems Applications(DEXA'96), pp. 708-717. [PostScript]
    52. J. Tang, and S.-Y. Hwang, 1996, "Coping with Mismatched Semantics of Dependencies in Workflow Systems," Proc. of the7'th Int'l. Conf. on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA'96), pp. 467-478. [PostScript]
    53. J. Tang, and S.-Y. Hwang, 1996, "Handling Uncertainties in Workflow Applications," to appear in Proc. of the 5thInt'l. Confl on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'96), Maryland, pp. 277-284. [PostScript]
    54. S. C. Su Chen, M. Yu, Y.-Y. Yau, and S.-Y.Hwang, 1995, "The Design and Implementation of a Full-Fledged MultipleDBMS," Proc. of the 15'th Int'l. Conf. on Data and Knowledge Engineering (ICDE), pp. 67-68.
    55. J. K. Lee, I.-K. Tsur, and S.-Y. Hwang, 1995,"Language and Environment Support for Parallel Array Object I/O on Distributed Environments," Proc. of the 7'th SIAM Conf. on Parallel Processing forScientific Computing.
    56. J. Huang, S.-Y. Hwang, and J. Srivastava,1994, "Concurrency Control in Federated Database Systems: A Performance Study," Proc. of ISCA 7'th Int'l. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems.
    57. S.-Y. Hwang, E.-P. Lim, H.-R. Yang, K. Mediratta,M. Ganesh, D. Clements, J. Stenoien, and J. Srivastava, 1994, "Myriad:Design and Implementation of a Federated Database Prototype," Proc. of ACM SIGMOD Int'l. Conf. on Management of Data, pp. 518-518.
    58. S.-Y. Hwang, E.-P. Lim, J. Srivastava, 1993,"Asynchronous Transaction Commitment in Federated Database Systems," Proc.of the Int'l. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Systems.
    59. S.-Y. Hwang, J. Huang, and J. Srivastava,1993, "Concurrency Control in Federated Database Systems: A Dynamic Approach,"Proc. of the 2'nd Int'l. Conf. on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'93).
    60. J. Huang, S.-Y. Hwang, and P. Patiath, 1993,"On Scheduling Real-Time Tasks with Nondeterministic Synchronization Behavior,"Proc. of the 10'th Int'l. Workshop on Real-Time Operating Systems and Software.
    61. S. Prahakar, J. Huang, J. Richardson, J. Srivastava,E.-P. Lim, S.-Y. Hwang, S. Navathe, A. Savasare, and M. Foresti, 1993,"Federated Autonomous Databases: Project Overview," Proc. of the 3'rd IEEE Int'l. Workshop on Research Issues on Data Engineering/Interoperability in Multidatabase System (RIDE/IMS).


    1. 2015-2017 The Design and Research of an Interactive Recommender System with User Context Evolution
    2. 2016-2017 日月光輿情分析與監督技術之研發Phase II
(Supported by ASE)
    3. 2016-2017 台灣特色發掘架構範例:承「老高雄新探索」—文史觀光路線發展產學合作計畫(Supported by iSee Taiwan Foundation)